Internet Systematics is a Network Lab (ISlab) in a research organization in Athens, Greece, focusing at the area of Internet Systems knowledge. It has played a major role in the evolution of the Greek Academic & Research Network during it's first stage (Network Ariadne-t ). This initially was part of the European Project COSINE establishing organizations such as RARE and TERENA. In fact ARIADNE-T was one of the founding members of RIPE.

Since then several changes in the networking era have emerge network security aspects as one of the crucial factors of the survivability of the network itself. It was these changes that made us focus on internet security and specifically in intrusion detection. A significant component of our work has been based on the free software infrastructure (

We have deployed intrusion detection systems in our network, observing several scans per day, DDos agents such as Stacheldraht, and other malware. Due to the huge amount of the collected data and the difficulties in analyzing them we decided to move forward in the Honeynet technology where we can observe attacks in a controlled environment.